You know when your self-employed, you have goods and you have bads, the one thing that bothered me the most was to think what would happen when your on holiday or you just need a time off, or a small break, but you want to make sure that things are running good while you are getting your new spirits and Ideas…
I have been brainstorming and for the past 4 years I have always found a solution for all my task, friends that helped me out or other photographers that shortly covered the time being.
my newborns at the hospital where my biggest worries at all.. telling a mom, that was just so proud of her newborn, she needed tome back in to the hospital within the next two weeks to shoot another photo for the „storchentafel“ – was just not professional… even though it always worked out to be prefect for that time.
well, I need to find a good conclusion …
honestly no secrets keept ist hard finding the right person to manage your business while you are gone and mostly having to trust that person as well… I did found her!
I am so happy and proud to introduce to you my friend Petra!
She is a mother of three cute kids, she is amazing, she is honest and she shows very good skills of doing my newborns while I am gone. I’ve known her for a long time now, and followed her and her kids with my camera many times. She has the strive to be perfect for this job, she loves to help me and she is letting me enjoy my time off while everything is running just smooth!
I felt like sharing this with you on this beautiful monday, and if you take a good look at the past images at the hospital you would not even know which one of us took the picture.
Ha ha ha I guess I am a good coach!
I guess I need to say that I am taking a time off on Feb. 20th to March 9th!
happy monday!